結至我寫這篇網誌的同時,我還是覺得參觀各種不同地方的的哺乳室環境是一件有趣的事(且是在多次開啟這篇完章更新的時候),很開心我還有這個機會繼續這麼做。有別於高速公路的休息站分享,這篇我想特別針對高鐵 (或許未來有其他大眾交通運輸車站?)的各站分享,雖然實在不能一次把所有站跑完,但剛好這陣子的經驗,希望有機會可以持續更新。對我來說若是能在使用前知道即將面對的環境,或許在突然時間有限狀況下可以準備好最適合的用品,無論是要擠奶或是哺乳,都可以有更安心、衛生的空間,無論您是哺乳新手還是經驗豐富的媽媽,希望這篇對大家都有一些幫助。
|Hsinchu| Taking your baby to get to know the flora and fauna at Green World Ecological Farm
│KKday: Cheaper ticket click here│Klook:Cheaper price click here│
Green World Ecological Farm is located in Beipu Township, Hsinchu County. It is a large ecological farm and tourist attraction. As a native of Hsinchu County, I took advantage of the long weekend to plan a trip with my infant to introduce them to the world of flora and fauna. Unfortunately, I lost the previously written article, which was very disheartening, so I'm reposting it now. Below, you'll find the latest ticket prices and hours for 2023, with relevant web links provided in the article. I recommend checking for any updates before your visit. While there is plenty of information available about Green World Ecological Farm, there's relatively less information about bringing infants under one year old to the farm in Beipu, Hsinchu County. Perhaps this article can make your travel arrangements smoother!